- royalsocietypublishing.org
- pnas.org
- lyellcollection.org
- molbiolcell.org
- biolreprod.org
- jneurosci.org
- aacrjournals.org
- jbc.org
- jaapl.org
- hematologylibrary.org
- jabfm.org
- eje-online.org
European Journal of Endocrinology, publishing clinical and translational research in adult and paediatric endocrinology
- biologists.org
- diabetesjournals.org
- ahajournals.org
- iiarjournals.org
- aacnjournals.org
- ascpjournals.org
- cshlp.org
An extensive resource that provides
easy access to information about human genes and their roles in specific
- snmjournals.org